
Monday, September 3, 2012

Pinterest Crochet Inspiration: Pot Holders/Dishcloths

Happy Labor Day to all of you! Before we get started with my Pinterest Crochet Inspirations for this week, I want to thank all of you for the sweetest, kindest comments you wrote for my first grand child...Baby Emma! You are all so kind and I do appreciate each and everyone of you. I hope to have some pics ups later of what I've been crocheting lately.

For now here are my latest Pot Holders/Dishcloths Crochet Inspirations from Pinterest...

Source: via Eileen on Pinterest

Source: via Eileen on Pinterest

Source: via Eileen on Pinterest

Source: via Eileen on Pinterest

Now if you are wondering what to do with all of you new lovely creations...

hang them on a wall and you have instant art in your kitchen! I'm so going to do this!

Happy Crocheting!


  1. Uau! I'm so in love with this wall art :)))))) Excelent idea Eileen! xx

  2. wow those are so pretty. I want to do this too:)

  3. Hi Eileen...thanks for sharing this. I have been looking for something nice in potholders....I love the 3rd one down the green and pink together. Hope you are spending lots of time with baby! she is so precious!! Hope you have a lovely week. Shari!

  4. Love all those potholders! I especially love the wall covered with vintage ones... I love the old ones, so much work put into them! Thanks for sharing!
    ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  5. Eileen,
    Great work and amazing work on these cute li'e squares. I am also a big fan of crocheting squares..take a look at some of my creations at

  6. Preciosos trabajos son lindos muy bonitos, me gustan te sigo, besos.


I LOVE your comments! Thank you.
If you have questions I'll answer asap.