
Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Tuesday's Tallies-Granny Love

Tuesday's Tallies One a Day!

This week I have been working on my Little Giant Granny blanket inspired by Sandra over at Cherry Heart
She made a beautiful Giant Granny Patches blanket that I just love. Only one problem...

Mine doesn't look anything like hers! Yes, I know I have to weave in all those ends and I will before I go on to the next row but...

I am using the join as you go method like Sandra recommended and I think it looks like crap. Her's doesn't look like crap but mine does...For example look at the picture below at the salmon color reddish on the top right hand side...

See how the stitches show up against that pretty aqua color!! Yukky! Maybe I need to use a smaller hook or maybe I am not doing that method correctly but I have to say I'm thinking about Frogging it because it doesn't look like hers. You cannot see the join stitches on Sandra's blanket. So...I'm just going to have to try something different.

I made and joined 30 squares this week, I am putting 15 on each row. I'm not sure if you will see it next week because I just can't bring myself to love it enough to do the work.

Oh well, have a great week everyone!

Happy Crocheting!!


  1. I think it looks alright Eileen. Her joining looks like that too, but she used a small hook and everything looks smaller and tighter.

    1. Thank you Debi! Maybe you are right, I could change to a G hook, I think I was using an H. I appreciate your thoughts on this.

  2. I tend to always think that everyone's crochet work looks so much better than mine. I don't see anything wrong with your blanket, but I know how you feel. I've tried to figure out the join as you go method but it just doesn't make sense to me, so I just do the single crochet on the backside through the back loops. Good luck whatever you do. Tammy

    1. Tammy,
      That is what I have always done and so this is new to me. Maybe it will look better with the smaller hook like Debi suggested. Thanks for your input.
      Eileen :)

  3. I agree with Debi..It looks fine. But I do know how you feel about when you just can not get into a project, loving every part of it, that it just has to go into the closet...I do that alot!

    1. I do too Shari! I have several of those projects. Thanks for sharing!

  4. It looks fine. I bet by the end you will see a difference.

    1. Maybe you are right. After everyone's comments I am not going to give up one it. I wanted to use up all the scrap yarn leftover from my ripple so this is a perfect project.

  5. Hi dear Eileen, You choosed colors so perfect.. And your granny blanket is going on so good.. You know I like granny squares too muc. They seem so fashionable and very sweet for our homes..:))
    Best wishes...

  6. This is looking really wonderful. Like little candy all put together. It looks okay with the joins. Can you try and push the stitches closer together with your finger to close the V shape and maybe you would like it better? It is important to do a method you like. I am joining as I go on my hexies and they look like this too.

    Hugs from Holland ~

  7. I think yours is coming along beautifully! :)

  8. I think it looks great and I am not just saying that. It seems like an awful lot of work to frog, but I know how you feel. I would rather it be the way I like it then continue on and hate it in the end.
    Good luck,

  9. I think it looks really pretty, I didn't even notice the stitches but if your not happy with it that's what counts. Deb x

  10. Ooh I think they look lovely and colourful!
    Victoria x

  11. Have you been using SC's or slip stitches to join the squares? I find, when I use Sc's the v's are more apparent. Try using a sl st instead. Also, Attic24 has an awesome tutorial on how to do this method (if you haven't seen that tutorial yet!). :)
    It truly does look great!!

    Grace Ann

  12. I can see what your'e saying, but only when you point it out! I had to squint to see it! My first thought was what are you talking about? I love it, and I wouldn't change it unless your willing to pull all those squares out. However, if you're like me, I can't stand imperfection in my work. I usually frog it and start over. :)

  13. I see what the problem is. Hmm, I've never done a granny blanket, so I don't know what I would do. Other than that imperfection between the rows, your blanket looks very pretty.

  14. Ok, I NEED to learn how to crochet. I only know how to knit...and even that is really basic knitting! I think this looks beautiful! Stopping by from the Networking Blog Hop and now following along…I would love if you would stop by and say hello :)
    Modern Modest Beauty

  15. I was looking up blogs on people who are making a blanket like Cherry Heart. I was disheartened with how mine was looking. I had those V's that you are talking about and I didn't like it because it didn't look quite like her's. I went over to Attic24 to read her tutorial on joining as you go and found I was doing it backwards...please don't be mad at me...but you and I were doing the exact same way. After going through her tutorial I realized I was doing it backwards. You'll see the difference when you switch the direction of your hook. I can't even explain how to do it, but read her directions and look at her pictures closely. Last night I was going to frog what I'd done and then this morning I figured out what I was doing wrong.

    I love your colors!

  16. Hola Eileen no te aflijas vas muy bien, yo creo que si tienes que ajustar mas el punto, en la unión de los cuadrados se ve mas flojo pero esta bárbaro tu trabajo, a mi parecer te faltaría agregar unos tonos mas claros para darle mas luz, disculpa que me meta en tu tejido pero es con mucho amor y admiración a tus trabajos suerte y ya quiero ver como queda esa manta, preciosa seguro besitos.


I LOVE your comments! Thank you.
If you have questions I'll answer asap.