
Monday, April 30, 2012

Which Crochet Magazine is Your Favorite?

Hello all my blogger friends!

Today I added a "Poll" to my sidebar to find out which crochet magazine is your favorite. Please check the one you like best and vote.

Doing a poll is a great way to find out what other crocheters are doing and what you all think is the best magazines, products, etc.. I plan on doing several more Polls so check back often.

There aren't a lot of crochet magazines to choose from but tons of knitting magazines. I wonder why that is? Anyway, these four are the ones that I have found:

Interweave Crochet...

Interweave Crochet magazine is not for the beginner crocheter. It has some beautiful patterns, mostly garments, that are for the more advanced crocheter. I love looking at the projects but I have never attempted any of the intermediate patterns. Maybe someday...

Defining Crochet or just "Crochet!...

Crochet! magazines is a perfect middle of the road magazine, it has a great mix of easy patterns for beginners and more advanced patterns for those of us who like a good challenge!

Crochet Today!...

Crochet Today is great for the beginner with some challenging patterns but not very often. It usually promotes Red Heart yarn products so they are always easy to fine.

Crochet World...

Crochet world is for the new crocheter. It seems to have some very old fashioned patterns and I rarely see anything I would like to make. It has doilies and some downright ugly items in it. Not one of my faves, I feel like I wasted my money on this one. What do you think?

I am so anxious to see what the poll reflects is the best crochet magazine among my readers. Also, if there is another crochet magazine that you subscribe to and LOVE, please share with us in my comments!

Happy Crocheting!!


  1. I love polls!!!!! I love Interweave Crochet, but not the Spring issue. I am attempting my second vest from the Winter issue, and believe they are not that hard you could easily make them.

  2. Dear Eileen, These crochet magazines seem so wonderful. I can find none of them in Turkey. But your post is very helpful for me. Maybe I can find these magazines from internet and I can buy them by this way. Thank you and best happy days....

  3. I haven't bought a crochet pattern magazine in a long time, but I did use to buy Crochet!. :)

  4. Over here in Holland the market for Crochet-magazines is even smaller ... I did see two magazines last week but both with really old fashioned clothing. Like the magazine was there since 1975 ;-)

    I do like to read the "Hobbyhandig" sometimes. It's a magazine for different hobby's and sometimes with very nice crochet-patterns.

  5. I have made a few pieces from Crochet Today and Interweave Crochet. Interweave Crochet definitely has patterns from the more advanced crocheter. I have purchased Crochet World on and off (usually off) for doily patterns. I now purchase Japanese crochet pattern books because I find a lot of beautiful patterns and I find the diagrams easy to work with.

  6. I love Crochet today! Don't know why but they seem to have an easy project to do.

  7. I get all four of these. I like them all.

    FYI - your blog is doing something weird. When I click on a month to see all of the blogs only about half of the posts show. When you scroll down about halfway then your sidebar is the rest of the way to the bottom. Blogger can be so messed up sometimes.


I LOVE your comments! Thank you.
If you have questions I'll answer asap.