
Tuesday, April 24, 2012

A Crochet Fantasy

I slept late and woke up with the sun shining in my bedroom window, the birds chirping, the smell of lilacs and my curtains billowing in the cool breeze.

Uh oh! Reality check, I 'm late for work! Panic sets in and then I realize, oh wait...its Saturday, my "Crochet Fantasy" day.

First of all, I am going to meet "the girls", my sisters Karen and Joyce and my BFF Cindy, at Milton's on Massachusetts street for a down home cooked breakfast. From there we are going to Yarn Barn, (also on Mass street) to learn a new crochet technique called Tunison crochet. We have all wanted to learn this but none of us has taken the time to take a class and learn how.

After the class, and shopping all the special yarn that yarn barn carries, we are all going to lunch at our favorite restaurant on Mass street, The Mad Greek. We all got caught up on each others lives and even splurged and had delicious chocolate cheesecake for dessert.

It was such a lovely day for walking we decided to walk over to library to meet with our Yarn, Paper, Scissors group, we meet once a month and do our own projects. It's a diverse group with knitters, crocheters, scrapbookers, etc. We all get together and learn from each other. The library even has a large selection of yarn scraps we can use if we want to. We show them all the Tunison technique that we just learned. Yes, it's heaven!

From there we drive a few miles south to our favorite B&B. After unpacking we go downstairs to the dining room for dinner then we go for a walk in the quaint little town. When we get back we sit on the wraparound porch with our hooks and yarn and crochet until the sun goes down. Then we go up to our room and crochet and talk and laugh until the wee hours of the morning. I fall asleep with visions of new Clover hooks and Nora yarn dancing in my head.

When I wake up I am back in my bedroom with the birds chirping, the smell of lilacs and my curtains billowing in the cool breeze.

Dang it! It was all just a dream...a "Crochet Fantasy"'s Monday...and I'm late for work!!!
Use this tag 3KCBWWC to search on Google to read what other bloggers are writing with the Wildcard Topic!

Happy Crocheting!!


  1. It sounds like the perfect dream, can you include me next time?
    Happy Tuesday,

  2. Oh wow, the perfect dream ... crochet! I wanted to come along as well. Hmmm, sounds like something that could be put together. Sweet blog, can't wait to go browsing through the rest of it. I'll be your newest follower is blogger cooperates. Have a lovely day.

  3. Good food, great friends and crochet - what a perfect dream. Enjoy your day today. :)

  4. That sounds like the perfect get away with friends. Too bad it was all a dream:( Don't worry it will happen soon enough.

  5. Oh, can I come to the B&B too? This really sounds like the perfect day!!


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