
Thursday, February 9, 2012

Feb BAM CAL 2012

My 2012 February 12" Block
Feb BAM CAL by Crochet Attic
Feb BAM CAL, a photo by Crochet Attic on Flickr.
Here is my 12" square for my Block a month crochet along on Ravelry. I like the Springy colors. I used leftover Sylecraft yarn from my Ripple. The Pattern is  Morning Glory by Teresa J. Kohlhoff


  1. Eileen,
    I love the square and I am so thrilled you feel I am worthy enough for an award. I loved learning the new things about you.
    Have a great day,

  2. Muchas gracias Eileen por pensar en mi blog al repartir el premio sos muy generosa,es un halago, y te felicito por recibir el tuyo es muy bien merecido porque tus trabajos son magníficos y se ve amor en ellos, espero haber hecho bien los deberes ☺ , te dejo un gran cariño Sandra.

  3. What a beautiful style, really like the circle centre it adds real depth. dee x

  4. Thank you so much for the award Eileen. Now I have to put my thinking cap on re those 7 random things !

  5. I have given you an award.

  6. Love the square! Also kudos on the ripple. its so sumptious!


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