
Sunday, August 28, 2011

All Crochet

All Crochet by EMCphotos
All Crochet, a photo by EMCphotos on Flickr.

Some faves on Flickr!

1. granny square blanket, 2. WIP - projetos, 3. Mavryk's lime star, 4. Willow square afghan, 5. Hexagons, 6. crochet_babette blanket, 7. Brother's Blanket, 8. Wip Granny collage, 9. stripes & circles blanket rainbowstyle, 10. 014, 11. rainbow lightening ripple, 12. Oceana Larksfoot Afghan in progress, 13. Pink Ruffled Baby Blanket, 14. crochet progress, 15. Ripple Blanket, 16. New Hook Goodness, 17. altered matchboxes, 18. Chateau rose gardeners'dress, 19. Crochet Bag, 20. 48 grams, 21. circle in a square granny blanket, 22. And the latest!, 23. KitCHen hANDs, 24. StArBurST WIP #3, 25. SpRinKLeS
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  1. Hi,
    so manys beautiful works,
    greet Crissi

  2. Hi,
    oh, soooo fantastic, beautiful crochet crafts,
    greets Crissi

  3. Oh, so many cute things. Love the colored ripple in particular.

  4. Hi Eileen! Thanks for stopping by my blog and your comments about my DD Jayhawk aghan. I hate to tell you this but I searched high and lo for a pattern to purchase but had no luck. The Stichery store in downtown Lawrence said they had a crossstich one available at one time but was back-ordered. what I did was this: I found a cute jayhawk on-line, copied to my desktop then entered at this website: (that makes it into a graph for free.) Then I just free handed and eyeballed the colors.

    Hope that helps, feel free to contact me again if still have any questions, comments, or suggestions!

    BTW....she survived her first week of classes...yay!

    Your fellow sunflower,

  5. I see your lovely crochet work, but my heart goes out to that gorgeous little Jack Russel(?)..:))

  6. Thank you Caroline. You are very talented and must have mad skills to be able to do it that way. My skills are not that good. It is a beautiful blanket and I'm glad your daughter is dong well!

    Rock Chalk!


I LOVE your comments! Thank you.
If you have questions I'll answer asap.