
Tuesday, April 19, 2011

African Flower Soccer Ball

African Flower Soccer Ball, originally uploaded by EMCphotos.

Ta Dah!!!!!!! I did it! I did it! It's finally finished after lots of struggling with assembling this fun soccer ball. It is done so now I can move on guilt free to other fun projects. This is one UFO(unfinished object) that is finished at last. It's not perfect by any means but it's mine and it's something I have wanted to make for over two years. I have a great sense of accomplishment. It was a HUGE challenge for me and my little brain.

Thanks so much to bosall at flickr and crochetbug! Here is how to assemble this challenging soccer ball:

I couldn't have done this without bonsall and Crochetbug! Thank you so much!
Pattern is online here

I added this to Sarahndipities Blog:


  1. Congratulations! It feels a really big accomplishment to us whenever we finished a UFO. You're so talented! :-)

  2. Well done.. :)) bright and happy colours..

  3. I love this!! Thanks for lining up to Make Something Mondays! Can't wait to see what you've made this week!

    ~ Sarah

  4. OMGosh--this is the cutest idea ever! I know lots of little soccer playing girls that would love one of these. Must check out the pattern. Thanks!

  5. I am in the process of making one of these for my son for Christmas (black & white version) but am just hooking up the pentagons and hexagons now. Was the assembly terrible??? :-( Any tips??

  6. Hi Heather,
    Yes, it was terrible but doable. When I put mine together I started with a pent in the center and connected the hexes around it with a piece of yarn that I just tied to the pent loosely. I did this until I had a circle and then I went back and started crocheting it all together. I suppose you could use pins instead of yarn but I had to put it together in some way before I started the actual connecting.

    I wish you the best of luck with this and keep me posted on your progress. Don't go through this alone...we all need a little encouragement and support. I have to say as terrible as it was to put together, it was well worth it. My kids love it, 26 and 24, and I made it for my "Someday maybe...Grandchild". What surprised me about it was how big it turned out...bigger than a basketball. But it is soft and cuddly and bright and cheery. So hang in there and and you will LOVE it when it is done.

    Let me know if you have any more questions or need some help with it!


I LOVE your comments! Thank you.
If you have questions I'll answer asap.